Publications nationales de l’équipe COMB3A

  1. Sadek BOUROUBI, The Alekseev condition on the principal filters in the partition lattice, Fac. de Maths., n°65/1991.
  2. Sadek BOUROUBI et Miloud MIHOUBI, Sur quelques relations relatives aux nombres des partitions d’un entier, Fac. de Maths., n°32/2001 du 30/06/2001.
  3. Sadek. BOUROUBI, Etude des variances des posets booléen et des partitions, Fac. de Maths.,n°13/93/104.
  4. Sadek BOUROUBI et Nesrine BENYAHIA TANI,On the poset of partitions of an integer, ROAD, les annales du Laboratoire LAID3,  N°8, Juin 2006.
  5. Sadek BOUROUBI, Abdelmadjid BOUKRA et Mohamed AHMED NACER,Selection of views to materialize in data warehouse. A hybrid solution, ROAD, les annales du Laboratoire LAID3, N° 02, Mars, 2006.
  6. Hacène BELBACHIR, Nesrine BENYAHIA TANI, Sadek BOUROUBI, Abdelkader KHELLADI, An explicit formula for p(n,3) using a combinatorial approach, ROAD, les annales du Laboratoire LAID3, N° 02,  Avril, 2007.
  7. Karim BELKASSEM, Sadek BOUROUBI et Merouane OUCHAÏT,Optimisation de l’architecture du système de téléexploitation du réseau transport Gaz, ROAD, les annales du Laboratoire LAID3, N° 17,  Mai, 2007.
  8. Hacène BELBACHIR, Sadek BOUROUBI et Abdelkader KHELLADI, Connection between ordinary multinomials, generalized Fibonacci numbers, partial Bell partition polynomials and convolution powers of discrete uniform distribution, ROAD, les annales du Laboratoire LAID3, N°19, Juillet, 2007.
  9. Sadek BOUROUBI et Nesrine BENYAHIA TANI, Integer partitions into arithmetic progressions, ROAD, les annales du Laboratoire LAID3,, N°29, Février, 2008.
  10. Sadek BOUROUBI et Zahra YAHI, On polynomial log concavity, ROAD, les annales du Laboratoire LAID3, N°36, Octobre, 2008.
  11. Sadek BOUROUBI et Louiza REZKALLAHI, A new hybrid cryptosystem based on the satisfiability, ROAD, les annales du Laboratoire LAID3, N°39, Fevrier, 2009.
  12. Sadek BOUROUBI et Abdelmadjid BOUKRA, Selection of views to materialize in data warehouse. A cooperative approach, ROAD, les annales du Laboratoire LAID3, N°41, Mars, 2009.
  13. Sadek BOUROUBI, Louiza REZKALLAH, Rotating disk : a cryptosystem based on the factorization problem, prépublication au niveau de la bibliothèque de la Faculté de Mathématiques, USTHB, sous le n°221/10.
  14. Nesrine BENYAHIA TANI, Zahra YAHI et Sadek BOUROUBI, On the Number of Non-Isometric quadrilaterals inscribed in a Regular n-gon, FAC. de Maths., n°271/2013.
  15. Sadek BOUROUBI, Fella CHARCHALI et Nesrine BENYAHIA TANI, The Set Partitions: Solution for the sharing secret keys. Preprint arXiv: 1309.4367v1 [cs.CR] 17 Sep 2013.
  16. Nesrine BENYAHIA TANI, Sadek BOUROUBI and Omar KIHEL, An Effective Approach For Integer Partitions Using Exactly Two Distinct Sizes Of Parts, Bulletin du Laboratoire L’IFORCE, 03 (2015) 18– 27.
  17. Zahra YAHI, Nesrine BENYAHIA-TANI, Sadek BOUROUBI, Farid BENCHERIF and Omar KIHEL,  Integer Partitions Into Diophantine Pairs, Bulletin du Laboratoire L’IFORCE, 04 (2015) 28 – 35.
  18. Sadek BOUROUBI, Louiza REZKALLH, Rotating Disk Cryptosystem: RDC, Bulletin du Laboratoire L’IFORCE, 04 (2016) 42 – 52.
  19. Nedjmeddine KANTOUR, Sadek BOUROUBI, Cryptanalysis of Merkle-Hellman Cipher Using Parallel Genetic Algorithm, Bulletin du Laboratoire L’IFORCE, 03 (2017) 57 – 73.
  20. Nedjmeddine KANTOUR, Sadek BOUROUBI, A parallel MOEA with criterion-based selection applied to the knapsack problem, Bulletin du Laboratoire L’IFORCE, 02 (2018) 14 – 36.
  21. Sadek BOUROUBI, A new explicit formula for a square-triangular numbers, Bulletin du Laboratoire L’IFORCE, 01 (2019) 01 – 08.
  22. Nabil BOUMEDINE, Sadek BOUROUBI, A new hybrid genetic algorithm for protein structure prediction on the 2D triangular lattice, Preprint arXiv: 1907.04190v1 [cs.NE] 8 Jul 2019.
  23. Nabil BOUMEDINE, Sadek BOUROUBI, A new hybrid genetic algorithm for protein structure prediction on the 2D triangular lattice, Bulletin du Laboratoire L’IFORCE, 04 (2019) 78 – 100.
  24. Ali DEBBACHE, Sadek BOUROUBI, An Unexpected meeting between the P13-set and the Cubic-Triangular Numbers, Preprint arXiv:2001.11407v1 [math.NT] 30 Jan 2020.
  25. Meriem GHNEM, Sadek BOUROUBI, An Ideal Hierarchical Secret Sharing Scheme, Preprint arXiv: 2003.12651v1 [cs.IT] 27 Mar 2020.
  26. Meriem GHNEM, Sadek BOUROUBI, An Ideal Hierarchical Secret Sharing Scheme, Preprint Bulletin du Laboratoire L’IFORCE, 01 (2020) 01 – 14.
  27. Nabil BOUMEDINE, Sadek BOUROUBI An Improved Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Optimization of Protein Folding Problem, Bulletin du Laboratoire L’IFORCE, 01 (2021) 01 – 13.
  28. Nabil BOUMEDINE, Sadek BOUROUBI, Protein Structure Prediction in the HP Model Using Scatter Search Algorithm, Bulletin du Laboratoire L’IFORCE, 04 (2021) 73 – 85.
  29. Nabil BOUMEDINE, Sadek BOUROUBI, A protein folding simulations in the hydrophobic-polar model using a hybrid cuckoo search algorithm, Preprint arXiv:submit/3755421 [math.OC] 22 May 2021.
  30. صادق بوروبي، رسالة إلى الزملاء الأساتذة، مجلة بشائر العلوم، العدد 2، 2022  . .
  31. صادق بوروبي، تأملات في موضوع البحث العلمي، مجلة بشائر العلوم، العدد 3، 2022 . .
  32. Belkacem ZOUILEKH, Sadek BOUROUBI, Hyprid Cuckoo Search Algorithm for the Minimum Dominating Set Problem, Preprint arXiv: submit/4377807 [math.OC] 28 Jun.
  33. صادق بوروبي، حينما تتحول الرياضيات إلى متعة، مجلة بشائر العلوم، العدد 4، 2022.
  34. صادق بوروبي، حول مفهوم الطريقة في الرياضيات ومشكلة اليقين طريقة كافاليري، مجلة بشائر العلوم،   .  العدد 7، 2023
  35. Belkacem ZOUILEKH, Sadek BOUROUBI, A Hybrid Population-Based Algorithm for Solving the Minimum Dominating Set Problem, Bulletin du Laboratoire L’IFORCE, 02 (2022) 01 – 21.
  36. Belkacem ZOUILEKH, Sadek BOUROUBI, Minimum Dominating Set Using an Enhanced Binary Whale Algorithm, Bulletin du Laboratoire L’IFORCE, 01 (2023) 01 – 20.
  37. صادق بوروبي، جولة تثقيفية في عالم التشفير والتعمية، مجلة بشائر العلوم،   .  العدد 9، 2024
  38. Nedjmeddine KANTOUR, Khadidja CHAABANE and Sadek BOUROUBI, Entropy-Based Reduction Operator for Heuristic Binary Optimization, Bulletin du Laboratoire L’IFORCE, 02 (2024) 01 – 23.
  39. صادق بوروبي، المنطق الضبابي: رحلة في عالم الأفكار المتموجة، العدد 12، 2024.